Arrangement and name of Zodiac sign and its ruler planet/god.

 All the 12 zodiac sign are arranged chronologically which are as follows.

1. Aires ( Mesh): Aires zodiac sign is  ruled by planet/ god Mars.In the house where there is written 1 we should know that it is Aires sign .

2.Taurus (Brish): Taurus zodiac sign is ruled by planet/god Venus.In the house where there is written   2 we should know that it is Taurus sign . Venus is also called Demon guru.

3. Gemini ( Mithun) :  Gemini zodiac sign is ruled by planet /god Mercury. In the house where there is written 3 we should know that it is Gemini zodiac sign.

4. Cancer ( Karkat): Cancer zodiac sign is ruled by planet/god moon. So in the house where there is written 4 we should know that it is Cancer zodiac sign

5.Leo (Singha) : Leo zodiac sign is ruled by planet/god sun . So in the house where there is written 5 we should know that it is Leo zodiac sign.

6. Virgo( Kanya): Virgo zodiac sign is ruled by planet/ god mercury. So in the house where there is written 6 we should know that it is Virgo zodiac sign.3rd and 6th  placed zodiac sign are ruled by planet mercury.

7.Libra (Tula): Libra zodiac sign is ruled by planet/god Venus. In the house where there is written 7 we should know that it is Libra zodiac sign.2nd and 7th placed zodiac sign are ruled by planet Venus.

8. Scorpio (Brischik ):Scorpio zodiac sign is ruled by planet/ god Mars.1st and 8th placed zodiac sign are ruled by planet Mars.

9.Sagittarius (Dhanu) : Sagittarius zodiac sign is ruled by planet /god Jupiter.In the house where there is written 9 we should know that it is Sagittarius zodiac sign.

10.Capricorn (Makar) : Capricorn zodiac sign is ruled by planet /god Saturn . In the house where there is written 10 we should know that it is Capricorn zodiac sign.

11. Aquarius (Kumbha) : Aquarius zodiac sign is ruled by planet Saturn. In the house where there is written 11 we should know that it is Aquarius zodiac sign.

12. Pieces (Min) : Pieces zodiac sign is ruled by planet Jupiter. In the house where there is written 12 we should know that it is Pieces zodiac sign.


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